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Same-origin policy - WikipediaThis mechanism bears a particular significance for modern web applications that extensively depend on HTTPS cookies to maintain authenticated user sessions, as servers act based on the HTTP cookie information to reveal s Internet Storm Center - SANS Internet Storm CenterSANS edu Internet Storm Center Today s Top Story CURLing for Crypto on Honeypots
Window: postMessage() method - Web APIs | MDNLearn about the Window.postMessage() method, including its syntax, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.
HTML StandardWeb browsers, for security and privacy reasons, prevent documents in different domains from affecting each other; that is, cross-site scripting is disallowed.
Cross-site request forgery - WikipediaThe term CSRF is also used as an abbreviation in defences against CSRF attacks, such as techniques that use header data, form data, or cookies, to test for and prevent such attacks.
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HTTP cookie - WikipediaA persistent cookie expires at a specific date or after a specific length of time. For the persistent cookie's lifespan set by its creator, its information will be transmitted to the server every time the user visits the
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